
Our jobs

The most frequently asked question when we tell about our plans is: "...but what about your jobs”. Well, lets answer this question immediately; we will quit our jobs. A rigorous step that gives us all the freedom to travel without obligations or deadline. To us values that are more important than security.

Working on the way

Then the next question mostly is: “will you then work during your journey?” Our answer to this question is a short and simple: NO!  During our journey we will not work. For a while we just want to enjoy eachother, travelling and all the beautiful countries we will visit. No obligations, just doing what we want to. When something we would really like to do crosses our path, for example helping a good cause or working with wildlife, we will definitely grab the opportunity, but this might also be voluntarily work. We do not want to "have" to work for money during our trip. We will just live on the budget we saved and when it's finished or we do not enjoy it anymore we  we will go home.