Driven Route:
Gauja NP
Grid: Lat/Lon hddd°mm.mmm"
Prices mentioned for camping are based on a small camper with 2 adults and no electricity. If possible we always try to bargain for a discount
From Riverside camping to the Old Town of Riga: For the campsite there are busses going to the center but you can also get a taxi which is not much more expensive. Taxi is between 4 - 6 euro for the ride (one way). With 3 or more persons the taxi will mostly likely be cheaper.
Latvia 2017
General information
Currency: Euro
Internet: Free Wi-Fi available in lmost bars, restaurants, hotels or campsites
ATM's: available everywhere
Creditcards: accepted in most places (gas stations, hotels, restaurants and shops)
Safety: In general OK.
Route 2017
Days: 6 days
Period: End of August
Weather: We had a couple of warm and sunny days (25 degrees) but in general it was chilly (16-18 degrees). Most days it was a bit overcast but dry. We hardly had any rain. The nights were already cold (below 8 degrees).
Prices (2017)
Latvia was the cheapest of the 3 Baltic countries
Fuel: Diesel was between € 0,87 and € 1,- per liter.
Camping: We paid between € 10- € 16,- per night for 2 persons and a car (no electricity).
Latvia is part of the European Union. No visa needed for EU citizens.
Border crossing
Entry & Exit: No checks
General: All roads we drove are tarmac and in good condition.
Fees for toll roads, briges, tunnels and ferries
Jurmala: To enter the city of Jurmala you must pay a toll (€ 2,-). At the beginning of the village you will find machines where you can get your toll ticket. (see below for waypoint).
Highlights or not
Karosta prison: Old militairy prisons in located in former sovjet neighbourhood. There are tours to see the prison. Interesting but also strange as you sense it was once a place of terror and hardships. Fee for the tour is € 4,50 per person.
The Oskars Kalpaks Bridge: Iconic metal drawbridge based on a design of Gustave Eiffel. Bridge is still in operation. It is impressive to see it working. You will pass the bridge on your way from Liepaja to Karosta. No fee for crossing the bridge.
Karosta old military town: Town was once a Sovjet naval base. Most buildings are now abondonned. But some are worth a visit like the old Russian Orthodox Cathedral with his golden roof or the indoor riding arena.
Kuldiga: A very beautiful old town which is definitely worth a visit. As the place was never destroyed in the war lots of old houses and buildings are still authentic.
Ventas Rumba waterfall: Though not very high it is the widest waterfall of Europa. In the right season the place is known for watching migrating fish jumping up the rapids. (autumn and spring).
Jurmala: A very touristic seaside resort (in Sovjet times is was known as a luxurious spa resort for the Sovjet jetset). The city has a nice long beach and beautiful old wooden buildings.
Riga: Capital of Latvia and definitely worth a visit. Old center has beautiful gothic buildings and lots of cafes and bars.
Riga, Central Market: Just outside the old center located in 4 huge zeppelin hangars. A huge market for fresh produce, meat, fish and all kinds of other products. We are always drawn by these kind of markets. We love them is this one is no exception. Definitely worth a visit. Look for the foodstall with the name "Registan" (near the entrance). Here they sell traditional Uzbek bread.
Cesis: Old town with a nice ambience and an ancient castle. Near the castle is also in beautiful orthodox church that is painted blue.
Gauja NP: Great area for camping and hiking.
Restaurants & accomodation worth mentioning
No data
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LV-CAMP01 N56°22.355 E20°59.734
LIEPAJA, Camping Ergli. Nice small campsite run by a very friendly local family (they brought us fresh tomatoes from the garden in the morning). Place has good showers, a kitchen and sheltered area to sit when raining. We really liked the place. Price € 10,- per night for 2 persons and a car without electricity.
LV-CAMP02 N56°58.042 E23°45.493
JURMALA, Camping Jurmala. Place is fun for 1 or 2 nights but we did not liked the atmosphere. On the place is an old empty appartment block from the sovjet area. Location however is good. Close to the beach from where you can have to a nice to the city center. Price € 13,50 per night. € 3,- per person and € 7,50 for the car. The Landcruiser was charged as normal car not as a camper.
LV-CAMP03 N56°57.913 E24°04.919
RIGA, Riverside camping. Camperspot near the harbour. Nice view of Riga which is on the other side of the river (especially after dark). Price € 16,- for 2 persons and a car (no electricity). Place has free wifi. From the campsite you can catch a but to the old center of take a taxi. Taxi is around 4 - 6 euro one way. This is just slightly more expensive than the bus.
LV-CAMP04 N57°15.703 E25°08.291
GAUJAS NP, Nice bushcamp near a stream. The place is a small picknick area with a toilet and and small shelter. There is a nice walk starting from this place.
LV-CAMP05 N57°46.744 E24°21.124
SALACGRIVA, Milleri camping. Very nice place where you can rent a small cabin or pitch a tent. Also a small field suitable for camping. Place just next to a nice piece of beach. Price (after bargaining) € 10,- for one night for 2 persons and a car (no electricity).
LV-FUEL N56°57.991 E21°57.457
KULDIGA, Cheapest fuel station of the trip.
LV-GARAGE N57°47.392 E24°21.314
SALACGRIVA, Small well organised garage where they did an oil change for us.
LV-GARAGE2 N57°45.505 E24°21.680
SALACGRIVA, small local garage
LV-KAROSTA N56°32.830 E21°01.222
LIEPAJA, Karosta Prison. Former military prison located in the old Russian quarters.
LV-SHOPOIL N57°45.340 E24°21.767
SALACGRIVA, Shop for oil and car materials.
LV-TICKET N56°57.396 E23°38.633
JURMALA, get here your toll ticket for Jurmala (ticket machines). Price € 2,-.