Route 2017:
Outbound transit
Nowe Czarnowo
Homeward transit
Route 2012:
Jelenia Gora
Auschwitz (Oswiecim)
Slowinski NP
Grid: Lat/Lon hddd°mm.mmm"
Prices mentioned for camping are based on a small camper with 2 adults and no electricity.
Clothes: Bring a sweater if you visit the Wieliczka Salt mine. Temperature below is about 12-14 degrees
International Light Festival in Torún: Each year, end of August there is an International Light Festival. Then the old town is lit with thousands of lights, projection and luminous works of art.
Poland 2017
General information
Currency: Polish Zlotys.
Internet: Free Wi-Fi available most bars, restaurants, hotels or campsites
ATM's: available everywhere
Creditcards: accepted in most places (gas stations, hotels, restaurants and shops)
Safety: Despite the bad image we never felt usafe (we did not bushcamp)
Route 2012
Days: 15 days
Period: August 2012
KM driven: 3663 km
Weather: In the south we had a few very hot days (35 degrees). In the north it was about 22 degrees. Most days it was dry (only 2 - 3 days with some rain)
Prices (per 2017)
Fuel: €1,- = PLN 4,1 (Polish Zlotys)
Fuel: Diesel around PLN 4,25
Camping: Between PLN 29 and PLN 90 per night for 2 persons and a car (no power)
Poland is member of the European Union. No visa needed for EU citizens.
Border crossing
Entry & Exit: No checks
General: Almost all mainroads are in good condition. Local roads can sometimes be bumpy due to damaged tarmac. No roads on our route were unpaved. The northern transit route (from Germany to Lithuania) is very slow. Roads are paved but single lane, with lots of heavy traffic and crossing many small cities and villages
Fees for toll roads, briges, tunnels and ferries
Wroclaw to Katowice = PLN 16,20 (price in 2012)
Highlights or not
Nowe Czarnowo: Crooked Forest. Small patch of forest with a group of mysteriously bend and curve trees. Entry is free of charge.
Stettin: Old city center is nice for a short visit.
Torún: Old town with is and Old medieval town (Listed as Unesco heritage). Old town is very nice and definitely worth a visit. Each year, end of August there is an International Light Festival. Then the old town is lit with thousands of lights, projection and luminous works of art.
Swidnica, Peace church: PLN 8 per person. Very and richly decorated church.
Wroclaw, old town: Nice old town, with a beautiful square, impressive church and about 160 small goblins hidden all over the city.
Auschwitz and Birkenau: former concentrationcamp. This camp played an important role in mass murdering the Jews during the WWII. Visiting these camps is a moving experience. Everyone should come here once in there life. Entry PLN 35 per person and PLN 5 per person for the headset. A guide is included and obligatory between 10:00 and 15:00. Early in the morning (before 10 am) and late in the afternoon (after 3 PM) you can visit without guide. Personally we think you should not visit without guide; you will miss out many information. The first English tour starts at 9:30. Auschwitz-Birkenau can be visited free of charge.The shuttle bus between Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau runs every half hour and is free of charge.
Zakopane: Outdoor mecca in the Tatra mountains with a nice old town with traditional wooden buildings.
Zakopane, Krupowski top: One of the highest peaks in the area and a popular skiing area in winter. A cable car can take you to the top (also in summer). PLN 49 for a return ticket to the top. If you want to hike down you can also buy a one way ticket. During our visit it was very crowded with long waiting time. Note that you park your car in the village. The last two kilometers is National Park and driving here is forbidden. You can walk of take a taxi or horse carriage. Parking in the village is PLN 2 per hour. Taxi is PLN 3 per person one way.
Wieliczka saltmine: A Unesco site and a must see. The mine is incredible and the sculptures impressive. During our visit we saw only 3 kms which is less than 1%. Entry fee is PLN 73 per person. For taking photographs you must pay an additional PLN 10. A guide is obligatory and included in the entry fee. First English tour starts at 8:30.
Krakow, old town: Krakow old town has never been destroyed. The old town has nice buildings and the largest medieval square. We really liked Krakow. Day pass for public transport is PLN 12 per person
Krakow, Kazemierz: Old Jewish quaters. We really liked the atmosphere in this part of the town. Many interesting places here that are a reminder to the Jewish population that once lived here. Entry to Jewish temple PLN 5 per person.
Krakow, former Getta: Now a part of the city, but during the war a getta. There are not much monuments left here. But is a part of the history of Krakow we would not have missed it. You can still find a piece of the former getta wall.
Krakow, Factory Oscar Schindler: Factory of Oscar Schindler. A hero to the Jews in Krakow. He saved many of them buy giving them a job in his emaille factory. The factory itself is now a multmedia museum telling the story of Krakow during German occupation. It a great museum and must see. Entry fee PLN 17 per person. This is without a guide. If you want to visit with a guide you must a make a reservation 2 days in advance.
Warshaw: Like Krakow a nice city with an impressive old town and even more impressive buildings. To us Krakow however had more character. Nevertheless Warshaw is definitely worth a visit. Day pass for public transport PLN 12 per person. (valid for 24 hours)
Warshaw, Jewish heritage: Also in Warshaw the Jews were haunted. Also here there was a getta. Nowadays there is not much left anymore. You can still visit a small piece of the wall and several monument remembering the horrific events. In Warshaw you can also visit the old Jewish graveyard (no entry fee). Graveyard closes at 5 pm.
Gierloz, Wolfsschanze: a former headquater of Hitler. An impressive, strange and even depressive place to visit. A thick forrest is slowly closing in on the ruins. Some bunkers have remained. Entry fee is PLN 15 per person. Parking is PLN 10 (for this price you can stay the night and camp on the parking).
Gdansk: City in the North. The old center and Lenin Shipyard are worth a visit. We were here on sunday and it was extremely crowded. Walking through the center was no fun that day.
Sopot: Very touristic village in the North. Sopot is famous for its wooden pier which is the longest of Europe. Entry fee to the pier is PLN 7 per person. Personally we did not like Sopot (far to touristic).
Hel: Small fishing village located at the tip of Hel peninsula. The village itself is nothing special. If you are into windsurfing Hel peninsula is the place to be.
Hel, Fokarium for Baltic seals: Entry fee is PLN 2 per person. The fokarium houses a few baltic seals. The seals are fed 2 times a day. The place is small but worth a visit. Explanations given during feeding time is in Polish.
Slowinski NP: National Park on the Baltic Coast with large white dunes, up to 30 meters high. This place is stunning. We loved the scenery. Entry fee is PLN 6 per person. From the main gate it is another 6 kilometers to the dunes. You can walk or take a electrocar (PLN 15 per person one way).
Miedzyzdrojach: small city on the Baltic Coast nearby the border with Germany. Like Sopot also this city has a pier. Entry here is free. If you visit the pier note all the padlocks attached to it. Miedzyzdrojach is also very touristic, but has a more local atmosphere. We liked the place.
Restaurants & accomodation worth mentioning
No data
Poland by motorhome
N50°01.601 E19°11.953 Auschwitz
Camperarea and parking opposite of the Auschwitz museum. Price is PLN 40 for 24 hours. Showers (PLN 10 per shower) and toilets (PLN 2 per visit). Shower and toilets open between 08:00 and 18:00. Use of internet at the Information office is for free.
N54°09.205 E19°23.648 Elblag
Camping NR. 61. Camping on the Elblag canal. Old camping but good spot and great hot showers. PLN 45 per night (2 persons + car / no power / free showers / free wifi)
N54°20.714 E18°39.820 Gdansk
Secure parking near the city center (also for larger vehicles)
N54°04.791 E21°29.691 Gierloz
Wolfsschanze. Former headquarters of Hitler. Entry is PL 15 per person and parking PLN 10 per car (for this price you can also camp here on the parking)
N54°36.547 E18°48.005 Hel
Secure parking near the city center (also for larger vehicles)
N50°05.717 E19°56.479 Krakow
Camping Clepardia. PLN 63 (for 2 persons and a car/no power). Wifi is free of charge. Camping also has washing machines. Just outside is a large public swimming pool. Camping has good connections to the city
N54°45.721 E17°33.907 Leba
Camping Lesny. PLN 54 per night (2 pers/car/no power)
N54°45.249 E17°31.226 Leba (near)
Slowinski NP. Entry PLN 6 per person. Electrocar from entrance to the dunes (6km) is PLN 15 per person one way.
N54°02.130 E19°01.509 Malbork
Slot Marienborg
N53°55.232 E14°26.078 Miedzyzdrojach
Camping 24. PLN 50 per night (2 pers/car/no power)
N53°47.733 E21°33.900 Mikolajki
Camping in Mikolajki. Good spot but we have not stayed here.
N54°46.633 E18°27.400 Peninsula Hel
Camping Kaper. PLN 57 per night (2 persons + car / no power / free showers / free wifi). Camping is a surfcamping right on the beach. It can be very crowded in high season.
N50°49.111 E15°44.255 Sosnowka
Camping Ekofarma. Small local campsite. Very nice spot! PLN 29 per night (2 persons/no power/showers free). The also serve breakfast here.
N50°50.749 E16°29.536 Swidnica
Peace church
N53°54.340 E14°16.025 Swinoujcie
Ferry to get to the other side of town (and to the German border)
N52°10.674 E21°08.868 Warsaw
Camping Wok. PLN 90 (for 2 persons + car/ no power). Very clean toilets and showers (free). Free wifi in the bar. Good connections to the city center.
N49°59.106 E20°03.425 Wieliczka
Camperarea and parking near Wieliczka saltmine. Price PLN 20 per night. Shower PLN 5 per person.
N51°06.385 E17°01.800 Wroclaw
Secure parking near the city center (also for larger vehicles)
N49°19.336 E19°59.124 Zakopane
Camping Ustup. Basis but very clean and friendly owner. Price PLN 53 per night (2 persons/no power/free showers). McDonalds with free wifi around the corner.
N49°16.884 E19°57.952 Zakopane
Parking to the Cable car. Driving up there is not allowed as it is a National Park. From here you can walk or take a taxi or carriage.
PL-CAMP01 N53°23.710 E14°38.188
STETTIN, Camping Marina, Camping just outside Stettin, near the lake on the ohter side of the river. Price 78 (€ 19,-) per night for 2 persons and car (no power)
PL-CAMP02 N53°00.433 E18°36.100
TORUN, Public parking near the old town. It is allowed to camp on the parking. Price 35 Zloty for 24 hours (no facilities). Place is safe.
PL-CAMP03 N54°05.583 E22°54.817
SUWALKI, brand new campersite near the footbal stadium. Conveniently close to the border on your way to the baltics. Place is very clean and has free wifi, and very hot showers. Price 30 Zloty for 2 persons and a car.
PL-CAMP04 N52°10.417 E20°51.233
Warschau, Hotel Villa Estera, conveniently next to the highway between Warschau and Germany. Hotel is OK for one night but nothing special. Price 56,- for the room (booking through
PL-CROOKED N53°12.833 E14°28.500
NOWE CZARNOWO, Crooked Forest. Small patch of forest that has some mysteriously bend and curved trees. (see also website of Atlas Obscura). Entry is free
PL-DENTIST N53°25.532 E14°33.682
STETTIN, Dental Implant Aesthetic Clinic, Very good dental clinic. Dentists speak English and German. Very cheap compared to western Europe (Root canal for less then € 25,-)
PL-JCTCROO N53°12.852 E14°28.702
NOWE CZARNOWO, junction to Crooked Forest.

Poland 2012

Route 2017
Days: 2 x 2 days transit
Period 1 : Middle of August (transit Germany to Lithuania)
Period 2: Beginning of September (transit Lithuania to Germany)
Weather: Chilly and very wet. Both periods it rained almonst the whole day.